About Me

Hi, I'm Ethan! I'm a mechanical engineer with four years of service as an officer in the United States Air Force. I've worked in several different jobs, such as being the subject matter expert for the T-6 air conditioning and pressurization systems. I'm currently a Microsoft Power Platform Apprentice with Accenture Federal Services in St. Louis, MO, where I'm gaining hands-on experience with Microsoft Power Platform and associated components (Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI, Dataverse, etc.) through a robust curriculum that combines virtual training modules with real-world projects. Expected completion is October 2024.

I'm currently working on transitioning careers to the civilian sector as a software developer. Alongside my apprenticeship, I'm working through a Full-Stack Engineer certification via Codecademy, with relevant coursework including: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Git & GitHub, React, Redux, Express.js, PostreSQL, Swagger, OpenAPI, and DevOps Fundamentals. As of August 2024, I am 41% complete with an expected completion date of Winter 2024.

On a personal note, I'm happily married to my wife, Nicole, since August 2020. We have two beautiful sons named Trevor and Nathan, one is a toddler and the other is a newborn. We also have a 5 year old labrador retriever named Apollo who loves to go on walks and play tug-o-war!

Official photo of Ethan Family picture of Ethan and his son


Sudoku Solver Java Program

This program can solve any valid classic Sudoku puzzle, display the solved puzzle, show a results breakdown of which methods were used, and has a tab that walks you through how the puzzle was solved step by step.

Check this out on my GitHub page: SudokuSolver

Initial Puzzle

Image of initial Sudoku puzzle

Solved Puzzle

Image of solved Sudoku puzzle

Results Breakdown

Image of result breakdown tab

Changes Walkthrough

Image of change walkthrough tab








